hedge funds
Success through diversity
hedge funds
Success through diversity
The facts
By far the best-known alternative alternative asset classhedge funds are an integral part of many portfolios. The variety of investment strategies pursued by hedge fund managers makes hedge funds a very flexible asset class with the potential for high returns. The broader investment spectrum compared to traditional funds enables more efficient risk diversification and can help to reduce the overall volatility of portfolios and thus achieve higher, risk-adjusted returns.
Returns in all market phases
By focusing on absolute returns, irrespective of capital market developments, hedge funds can generally generate income in almost all economic scenarios by investing in a wide range of different assets, using short sales and leverage effects through borrowing. The fact that hedge fund managers generally invest their own capital also ensures that the funds' interests are closely aligned with those of investors. Against this backdrop, hedge funds have also established themselves as a popular investment instrument among institutional investors in recent years.
Excellence in hedge funds
With the exception of ultra high net worth individuals, it has often been difficult for individual investors to access hedge funds in the past due to high minimum investment amounts, limited liquidity and a lack of publicly available information. With FINVIA, you have the opportunity to invest in this complex but promising asset class and benefit from our experts' decades of experience.
hedge funds
hedge funds
We offer you a global hedge fund program that covers all established regions with North America, Europe and Asia. Our focus is on four hedge fund categories:
Long/short equity
Funds that focus either on the rise (long position) or fall (short position) of share prices . This strategy is often also offered in a market-neutral (e.g. beta-neutral) context.
Fund with a focus on companies in exceptional situations. Experience shows that dramatic events in a company have a greater impact on the share price than the general economic environment justifies.
Global Macro
Fund with a global, macroeconomic focus. Returns are achieved by anticipating and exploiting broad global economic developments.
Relative value
Relative value or arbitrage managers implement strategies that exploit price differences between at least two or more related securities.
Equity hedge
Higher market sensitivity
Lower borrowed capital
Event driven
Europe, USA, Asia ...
IT, Healthcare, Energy ...
Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up ...
Active vs. Passive ...
Equity vs. Credit ...
Activist vs. Distressed ...
Statistical Arbitrage ...
Relative Value Credit ...
Convertible Band Arbitrage ...
Discretionary vs. Systematic ...
CTA, Asset Allocation ...
Spread vs. Trendd ...
Relative value
Lower market sensitivity
Higher debt capital
Global Value
Investment strategy
Our proven advisory approach ensures that your portfolio makes the best possible use of the advantages of hedge funds and other alternative asset classes in the best possible way: