
The interview

"Nothing would stop me from starting a new company tomorrow"


Jonas Mückl

Josef Brunner, one of Germany's most successful startup founders, talks about the importance of entrepreneurial capital, role models and the value of gut instinct.

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"Nothing would stop me from starting a new company tomorrow"

The interview

"Success cannot always be measured in money alone"

Over 30 years ago, the Dahler couple founded what is now a renowned real estate company. Here they provide insights into their beginnings, the challenges of the industry and their visions for the future.

The interview

"I did everything right for a long time, just not the right thing."

Amir Roughani came to Germany as a war refugee at the age of eleven. Today, he is a successful entrepreneur with his VISPIRON Group, which specializes in mobility and renewable energies. In this interview, he reveals why he has turned away from pure profit maximization and how he defines wealth for himself.

The interview

"Perseverance and good preparation are the key to success"

Nicola Winter made it into the ESA astronaut reserve in 2022. In this interview, she talks about superheroes and reveals how she managed to beat 22,500 applicants.

The interview

„Ich hatte für mein erstes Start-up mein Erspartes eingesetzt, das war komplett weg.”

Jonas Thiemann ist CEO und Gründer der Applike Group, einem der größten deutschen Mobile-Games-Entwickler. Im Interview spricht er über die Videospielwelt, seine Misserfolge als Gründer und verrät, warum er eigentlich Konzertpianist werden wollte.

The interview

"Many of us have lost our connection to nature"

Felicitas von Peter is a thought leader in active philanthropy. Among other things, she and her team bring important people to Greenland to help them understand climate change. In this interview, she talks about colorful jackets, Bill Gates - and the benefits of these tours.

The interview

"Wine regions must adapt to the climate"

Berghaus & Cie. enables investors to invest in wine. In this interview, Tristan A. Berghaus explains what this business model is all about and where he sees the future of viticulture.

The interview

“Es gibt mehr Makler als pro Jahr verkaufte Boote”

Die Yacht-Broker Peter und Alexander Hürzeler bieten bei ihrer Firma Ocean Independence alles, was sich der geneigte Motorboot-Fan nur wünschen kann. Im Interview sprechen sie über typische Käufer, schwierige Deals und die Frage, ob eine Yacht als Investment taugt.

The interview

"Most companies only call when the place is on fire"

Matthias Schranner was a police negotiator for hostage-takings, then founded his own company. A conversation about difficult cases, how he got the activists out of the tunnel in Lützerath and why German entrepreneurs often negotiate badly.

The interview

„Ich war auf dem Gehaltslevel, bei dem es hieß: Jetzt oder nie“

Der Urbify-Gründer Ben Stolze spricht über die Idee hinter seinem Logistik-Start-up, seine Probleme mit Sofortlieferungen und die schwierige Entscheidung, wann man Gründer werden sollte.

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